Servers Policy

Legal & Policy

This terms of service policy constitutes a legal agreement between YOU and YISolutions.

Acceptance; If you are accepting on behalf of a company, you represent and warrant to YISolutions that you have full authority to bind such company.

Prohibited conduct; You will violate this policy if you engage in the following examples of prohibited activities while using our services:.

Client Responsibility;

  • The client alone is responsible for the content of their web site and e-mail messages.

1) Mail Policies;

  • SPAM, Junk E-mail or UCE is prohibited. Spam, Junk-mail and UCE are defined as: the sending of the same, or substantially similar, unsolicited electronic mail messages, whether commercial or not, to more than one recipient.
  • A message is considered unsolicited if it is sent to a recipient who has not requested or invited the message. This prohibition extends to the sending of unsolicited mass mailings from another service, which in any way implicates the use of YISolutions whether or not the message actually originated from our network.
  • Other restrictions include; using our network for the receipt of replies to unsolicited mass email (spam) sent from a third-party network or the forgery of email headers is prohibited.

2) Mass Mailings;

  • Sending mass unsolicited email is considered spam. Unsolicited email is defined as email sent to a recipient who has not double-opted in to mailings.
  • Senders of mass mailings must maintain complete and accurate records of all opt-ins, including the email and its headers if applicable, and provide such records to YISolutions upon request. If positive and verifiable proof of opt-in cannot be provided, complaints from recipients of the mailing are considered proof they did not subscribe and the mailing is unsolicited.
  • Our mass mailing rules apply to mailing lists, list servs, or mailing services contracted for by Customer. The policy is stated as follows: An acceptable mailing list will be focused at a small targeted audience that has voluntarily signed up for e-mail information using a double opt-in process or that has made their e-mail address available to you for distribution of information. The list must also allow for automatic removal by all end users with non-distribution in the future.

3) Facilitating a Violation of this Policy;

  • Advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available any software, program, product, or service that is designed to violate this Policy, which includes the facilitation of the means to spam, initiation of pinging, flooding, mail-bombing, denial of service attacks and piracy of software.

4) Infringing Intellectual Property Rights. Engaging in any activity that;

  • Infringes or misappropriates the intellectual property rights of others, including copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, software piracy, and patents held by individuals, corporations, or other entities;
  • Violates privacy, publicity, or other personal rights of others.

5) Obscene Speech or Materials;

  • Using YISolutions services to advertise, transmit, store, post, display, or otherwise make available child pornography. YISolutions shall notify law enforcement agencies when it becomes aware of the presence of child pornography on or being transmitted through our services.

6) Promoting Violence or Injury;

  • Advocating, promoting or providing assistance in carrying out violence or any other unlawful activity against any persons, animals or any governments, businesses or other entities;.
  • Describing or displaying a weapon, or parts of weapons, or manuals for assembling any weapon, including but not limited to firearms, ammunition, explosives, grenades, bombs and caustic or other dangerous substances contrary to any laws;
  • Promoting products or services that involve a significant risk of death or injury to any persons, or damage to business or other entities or property contrary to any laws.

7) Defamatory or Abusive Language;

  • Using YISolutions services as a means to transmit or post defamatory, harassing, abusive, or threatening language.
Forging of Headers and Masking of IP Addresses;
  • Forging or misrepresenting message headers or masking IP Addresses, whether in whole or in part, to mask the originator of the message or other Internet activity.

8) Illegal or Unauthorized Access to Computers or Networks;

  • Accessing illegally or without authorization computers, accounts, or networks belonging to YISolutions or another party, or attempting to penetrate security measures of another individual’s system (often known as “hacking”);
  • Engaging in any activity that might be used as a precursor to an attempted system penetration (i.e. port scan, stealth scan, or other information gathering activity).

9) Distribution of Internet Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses, or Other Destructive Activities;

  • Distributing information regarding the creation of and sending Internet viruses, worms, Trojan horses, pinging, flooding, mail-bombing, or denial of service attacks;
  • Engaging in activities that disrupt the use of or interfere with the ability of others to effectively use the network or any connected network, system, service, or equipment.

9) Misuse of Account Features;

  • Operating any service which makes an account feature available to third parties for any use other than normal access to that account’s Web site is forbidden;
  • Operating any service which enables or assists anonymous or abusive behavior by third parties is forbidden.
  • Operating any service which affects the stability or reliability of any YISolutions server or network component, impacts other users or the company negatively, or degrades quality of service is forbidden.
  • All account features and services are to be used solely in order to develop and implement the Web site and Web pages associated with that YISolutions account. Resellers may make reasonable use of account features shared between multiple accounts they are being billed for.
  • Under no circumstance may our server and network resources be used as a means to provide free hosting to the public. Resellers may make reasonable use of the resources for their private endeavors and business related activity.

10) Resource Usage ;

  • Customer (you) may not use 10% or more of system resources for longer then 90 seconds. There are numerous activities that could cause such problems; these include: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP, etc.
  • Any account is not allowed to use average system resources (CPU, RAM, MySQL) more than 2% in 24 hours cycle.
  • Run any type of interactive real-time chat applications that require server resources. Remotely-hosted services are fully allowed.
  • Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the server. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD.
  • Run cron entries with intervals of less than 15 minutes.
  • Run any gaming servers such as counter-strike, half-life, battlefield1492, etc… (dedicated servers do not apply)
  • Run any software that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
  • When using PHP include functions for including a local file, include the local file rather than the URL. Instead of include (“”) use include(“include.php”)
  • Media hosting (i.e. audio , video etc), Backup hosting, Adult content hosting etc are strictly prohibited.

10-b ) Resource Usage (only for Windows Normal Server – i.e;

  • MSSQL remote access not allowed.
  • To manage your databases goto Plesk panel >> Databases >> WebAdmin
  • Media hosting (i.e. audio , video etc), Adult content hosting etc are strictly prohibited on shared hosting.

11) Other Activities;

  • Engaging in any other activity, whether lawful or unlawful, that YISolutions in its sole discretion determines to be harmful to customers, operations, reputation, goodwill or customer relations.
  • Media hosting (i.e. audio , video etc), Adult content hosting etc are strictly prohibited on shared hosting.

12) Consequences for engaging in prohibited conduct;

In the event that you engage in any of the activities above, and as determined by YISolutions in its sole discretion to be abusive or disruptive, YISolutions may take any one or more of the following actions in response to abuse or complaints;

  • Issue warnings: written or verbal.
  • Suspend the account and access.
  • Terminate the account and access.
  • Bring legal action to enjoin violations and/or to collect damages, if any, caused by violations.

13) Fees, payments and billing policies;

  • As consideration for the services you have selected, you agree to pay the applicable service fees. All fees payable hereunder are non-refundable.
  • Unpaid invoices may result in suspension of your web hosting services. Shared hosting accounts, Cloud Shared and Reseller plans will be suspended 2 days after the invoice due date or invoice date.
    For VPS , Dedicated & Cloud Servers, the policy is a bit different: these services become suspended within 12 hourrs after the billing date or invoice date in case of non-payment.
  • In case the outstanding balance is not paid within 10 days after the billing date for the shared package or 24 to 38 hours for VPS/dedicated & cloud server, your hosting account will be terminated for non-payment.
  • Domain release charges is $49.

14) Cancellation policy;

  • Cancel your account by sending an email to our support department (, your control panel username and password must be included;
  • A cancellation refers to the removal of user materials from our systems and the deactivation of services. You will be required to pay any outstanding charges owed before any cancellation will take place.
  • Domain Name Registrations CANNOT be cancelled. As the purchaser of the Domain Name you are the Domain Name’s owner until the term of the Domain Name’s registration has expired.
  • Domain Name Registrations CANNOT be cancelled. As the purchaser of the Domain Name you are the Domain Name’s owner until the term of the Domain Name’s registration has expired.

15) Domain Expiration policy ;

    • If you have a domain expire, you can still renew it per the schedule (as per ICANN) below after the expiration date.
    • Days Since Expiration :: 1- 30
      The domain will stop functioning (web site won’t load, email won’t be delivered, etc.), but the domain can be renewed but the cost will be $25 extra + Domain Renewal Charges.
    • Days Since Expiration :: 34-68
      The domain can only be renewed during this period using the registry restoration process. You can still renew the domain, but the cost will be $125 + domain renewal charges. This increased cost is due to the much higher cost we need to pay to the registry for domain restoration.
  • NOTE:: Above schedule of charges only applicable on general TLDs, it may be vary on TLD to TLD basis.

16) Money Back Guaranteed;

  • We strive for the highest level of customer satisfaction. To reinforce our customer service we offer 07 days money back guarantee. We would refund full money (hositng / servers amount) if you any issue found at our end. We are the sole arbiter as to if your reason is a valid and actual issue found at our server end.
  • This policy does not apply to any additional services such such as : Domain Registration, Dedicated IP, Dedicated SSL Certificate, Dedicated Servers, Web Design & Development Services.
  • Domain name registrations are processed immediately and are non-cancelable and non-refundable. Also if your hosting account has free domain name and you cancel the service then the charges of Free Domain will be deducted from the refund amount.
  • The accounts violating the company polices will not be entertained for money back policy.

17) Backups;

  • Backups are not included as part of any service. It is the customer’s sole responsibility to make backups and save them elsewhere off server. Availability of server backups is not guaranteed and we are not responsible for loss of customer data. Customers are advised to make backups of the information they store on our servers on a regular basis. Our Control Panel provides tools that allow customers’ to make data backups, download data, download backups, etc.

18) Disclaimer;

  • YISolutions shall not be responsible for any damages your business may suffer. YISolutions makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide. YISolutions disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, no deliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by YISolutions and its employees.

As further consideration for the services, you agree to;

  • Provide certain current, complete and accurate information about you as required by the registration process and maintain and update this information as needed to keep it current, complete and accurate.

YISolutions reserves the right to revise its policies at any time without notice.
