Email Archiving on cPanel Server

Email Archiving on cPanel Server

The email archiving feature helps a cPanel user to save incoming, outgoing or mailing list messages for a particular domain for a specific amount of time. You can find this compressed file under the mail directory in cPanel file manager. Every day, a new directory will be created in the format “YYYY-MM-DD” that contains all the archive type’s messages.

By default, the email archiving feature is enabled, with a retention period set to last 7 days.


Steps to Set up Email Archives

1) Login to cPanel.

2) Click on the “Archive” under “Email” section. Here it saves incoming, outgoing, or mailing list messages for a specified amount of time. Make sure you have enough disk space available for the retention period you select.

3) In the Default Archive configuration, you can create an archive for all the new domains in your cPanel account. You just need to select the archive email type and click on “Apply to All My Domains”. Then this feature will enable email archiving for new domains.

4) You can also customize this feature for a specific domain in the “Manage Archiving” section. Once archiving has begun, you can download a copy of the complete archive in maildir format for each domain by clicking the “Download Archive” action. A read-only IMAP connection to the archive is also available. You can select the domain and choose the archive type from there.


Download Archives:

  • To download the archive file to your local machine you would need to click on the “Download Archive” beside the domain that you wish to download.
  • Select from the following options:
  • All archives
  • Incoming
  • Mailing Lists
  • Outgoing
  • A zip file that contains the archived messages will be downloaded to your computer.
